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Palm Tree

The Story Behind Blue Tokai Coffee: How It All Began

Blue Tokai Coffee, one of the biggest names in the Indian coffee industry. If you're a coffee lover or enthusiast, it is quite likely you may have tried their specialty coffee. From their online platform, cafes to their freshly roasted beans; Blue Tokai Coffee is known for delivering quality coffee with a mission behind their motive.

It all started in 2012 when two coffee enthusiasts, Matt Chitharanjan and Namrata Asthana returned to India after studying and working in the USA. While in America, they had experienced the third wave of coffee and they felt the coffee culture lacked the same appeal in India.

They realized a big portion of the Indian population enjoyed instant coffee, so they began to work on a plan to educate the Indian public about specialty coffee. Blue Tokai Coffee's goal was to introduce specialty coffee in India, sourced from local farms, roasted with craftsmanship, and delivered to the customers within 7 days to enhance the overall coffee experience.

Their Ethos, as they call it, includes sourcing high-quality coffee from different Indian regions: Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, and more. Their coffee beans are sourced from the finest estates and growers, ensuring a direct farm-to-cup approach.

Today, Blue Tokai Coffee is making an impact in the Indian coffee industry. They are slowly debunking the myth that coffee is just the instant powdered mix that was made available in India for a long time. Blue Tokai Coffee has offered coffee enthusiasts a chance to experience fresh roasted beans with unique flavors, and a story behind them.

In conclusion, the Blue Tokai Coffee story is an inspiring one. It all started with a simple idea to introduce specialty coffee in India and cater to the Coffee lovers of India. With each cup of coffee, there is a story waiting to be told, and Blue Tokai is proud to be representing that story. They have revolutionized the third wave of coffee in India and are sternly establishing their place in the Indian coffee Industry.